Raise Awareness

We seek to awaken the international community to the brutal ethnic cleansing perpetrated against the Banyamulenge people. Since 2017, uncounted men, women, and children have been tortured and killed by various groups within Congo, with burning and rape as particularly common and insidious forms of torment. Although the genocide has been openly carried out for more than five years, no media, public or private, reports on it. The government of Congo implicitly endorses the killings, and many attacks are carried out by soldiers. BAHO members stood up in 2021 to conduct outreach, to write letters to elected officials, to lobby, and to pray in the hope of shining a bright light on the dark deeds in South Kivu. Join us in fighting for justice and dignity.

Building Community

We work to build a strong community whose members are committed to protecting the fundamental rights of the Banyamulenge minority in the Eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo. BAHO members believe that "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere [...] [and] Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly,” as first stated by Martin Luther King Jr.